Imposter and Ponies
1h 38m
From a real nobody in Berlin, to a fake somebody in the limelight in Iceland, to a mix-up in West Hollywood, a tragic comedy written by life.
After sharing a currywurst with his pal Max, Casper's personal narrative is increasingly in danger of getting lost. Max has news: BOND'S DAUGHTER was apparently made into a movie and has even been nominated for the European Film Award in Reykjavik, Iceland. Casper knew nothing about it and even his name or authorship isn’t mentioned anywhere — Justine must have something to do with it.
Without any strategy in mind, Casper embarks on a journey to Iceland with his friend Max. For his own sake, he must understand this intellectual theft.
Iceland meets his toxic pride with the sheer beauty of nature, yet at the same time with its entire severity.
Justine Laser avoids any interaction, but the young, seemingly innocent leading actress of BOND's DAUGHTER doesn't shy away from contact. However, before Casper learns the truth from her, she slips some knock-out drops into his drink and Casper ends up spending the entire film awards gala in a deep sleep. When Max wakes him up, Justine is already on her way back to California. Casper and Max decide not to give up.